Powder micromax fertilizer (MIX-EDTA)

Micro elements have a tremendous impact on the growth and performance of plants, but they are required by plants in a very small amount. Micronutrient elements play a significant role in the production of chlorophyll, enzymes and protein as well as photosynthesis. The lack of micro elements causes disruption in the growth and reduction of the amount of the product and its quality. Considering the lack of micro elements in most soils, especially the alkaline soils of Iran, it is very necessary to supply these elements for the soil and plants.

Eramon chelated complete micro fertilizer is a rich source of micronutrient elements and its use will eliminate the lack of micro elements such as iron, zinc, copper and manganese, etc. and will increase the yield and quality of agricultural and garden crops. Each of the micronutrient elements in Iramon’s chelated micro-complete fertilizer plays a special role in the plant, and the presence of these elements is necessary to complete the growth and fertility cycle of the plant. This fertilizer is complementary to complete fertilizers and its effective result will be visible along with complete fertilizers.

جدول مشخصات فنی


Magnesium chelated with


Chelated iron with


Zinc chelated with


Chelated copper with


Manganese chelated with


4% 3% 2% 1% 1%

مزایای کود :

  • Fast and effective absorption through roots and leaves
    Eliminating deficiency symptoms and preventing deficiency, especially in alkaline soils
  • Increasing the quality and marketability of fruit

زمان و مقدار استفاده :

Kalte Iramon’s complete micro fertilizer can be used in the form of spraying solution, soil and also in the drip irrigation system.